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Path: solon.com!not-for-mail
From: spc@gate.net (Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c,comp.lang.c.moderated
Subject: Re: printf() format extensions - looking for beta testers...
Date: 14 Apr 1996 10:54:50 -0500
Organization: CyberGate, Inc.
Sender: clc@solutions.solon.com
Approved: clc@solutions.solon.com
Message-ID: <4kr74a$k8o@solutions.solon.com>
References: <4kll9l$o5h@solutions.solon.com> <4kobun$8i2@solutions.solon.com> <4koecq$8up@solutions.solon.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: solutions.solon.com
In article <4koecq$8up@solutions.solon.com> seebs@solon.com writes:
>In article <4kobun$8i2@solutions.solon.com>,
>Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner <spc@gate.net> wrote:
>> But there is a potential problem with doing this. What if you use a
>>pre-compiled module that has extended printf(), say, using '%#' (unbeknownst
>>to you, the documentation may be a bit lax (happens enough)). What happens
>>when you try to extend printf() using '%#'? With possible different
>>semantics (different type, say)?
>That's why mine is not like the plan 9 fmtinstall(). In my current design,
>assuming that we have
> typedef int (*fmtconv)();
[ information about fmtconv() deleted ]
>This has been described as overengineering, but is there for precisely
>that reason.
To me it sounds horribly complicated and overengineered. Simplify it 8-)
>%# would be a poor choice; the conversion func for %# is one which returns
>a magic cookie to set the alternate format flag. :)
Oh. Ah. Well. What IS available?
>> -spc (Or does your printf() report a redefinition error?)
>I'm also considering the sfio magic of
> %(foo)
>calling a conversion func attached to the string "foo". This seems
>frivolous for small apps, but if you look at a POSIX system, with
>N+1 magic types like uid_t and gid_t, it might be useful.
>The problem is mostly coming up with a consistent way of parsing
>things such that no currently standardized call to printf will change
>behavior unless you've done something else (like call format()) which
>is not standardized.
Well, why not change the approach? The current printf() will accept a
line such as:
To allow variable widths to be specified. Why not extend that and pass in
the function pointers? Something like:
Where '@' specifies a format function, and the letter before it declares
the type using a single letter specification:
c - char
s - short
i - int
l - long
f - float
d - double
With the following modifiers:
p - pointer (if alone, void *)
u - unsigned
Less chance of clashes, and more flexible I feel.
-spc (Remember the KISS principle ... )